On 18 February 2022, the UNODC Global Firearms Programme (GFP) held training on the identification and tracing of firearms for 22 prosecutors. The participants represented Prosecutor’s Offices from all 4 different appellate areas in North Macedonia.
The training provided hands-on experience to learn about various types of firearms and their components, including pistols, carabines, shotguns, sub-machine guns and assault rifles. The training further focused on the use of this information in the investigations of illicit firearms trafficking and its` possible links to organized crime. Participants gained knowledge about the identification of firearms, their parts, components and ammunition, the forms of tracing, stages of tracing, and the tracing procedure. The event resulted in enhancing knowledge in conducting investigations and prosecution of firearms trafficking cases by understanding how firearms identification and tracing contribute to solving cases with international elements.
This activity is implemented with the financial support provided by Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, the Netherlands and Norway through the Western Balkans SALW Control Roadmap Trust Fund and supported by the European Union.