Vienna, Austria. UNODC Firearms Trafficking Section (FTS) together with UNODC Civil Society Unit (CSU) engaged in a consultation with relevant non-governmental stakeholders on the future UNODC Global Strategy on Illicit Firearms and Interconnected Threats – 2023-2030, on 2 June 2023. The consultation was attended by more than 40 participants from the civil society, academia and private sector connecting from different regions of the world. This consultation is part of the process for the finalization of the Global Strategy which is expected to be launched in the coming months.
After Simonetta Grassi, Chief of FTS, provided highlights on the future strategy, an interactive session allowed the participants to discuss the role of UNODC in promoting, supporting, and fostering a whole of society approach and a more people-centered, human rights-based and gender sensitive response, but also, how it could be more responsive to society needs and contexts specificities.
As a result, the participants were able to identify 20 key recommendations to be considered for the finalisation of the Global Strategy.
All the recommendations are available here
The UNODC Global Strategy on Illicit Firearms and Interconnected Threats – 2023-2030 will aim at setting out the priorities, actions and targets to be achieved in the coming seven years to put UNODC and its Member States on a stronger footing in the fight against illicit firearms and interconnected threats. It will guide National Authorities and key actors on the ground and enable them to use this Global Strategy as an overarching flexible tool to disrupt illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition.
The Global Strategy will promote a new paradigm in the criminal justice response that streamlines the objective of preventing and countering illicit firearms as a critical crime and violence enabler, asset and connecting link to multiple crimes including organised crime and terrorism, with a more people and victim-centred approach.
This first consultation with non-governmental stakeholders also served as an initial “kick-off” to develop an “Annual multi-stakeholder Forum” that will play a consultative role in the implementation, adaptation and evaluation of the Global Strategy.
Factsheet available here