Dr. Lena Wängnerud is professor in political science at the University of Gothenburg. Her research focuses on women’s political representation, the link between gender and corruption, and on gender differences in attitudes towards social risks and threats. She is the author of The Principles of Gender-Sensitive Parliaments (Routledge 2015 ) and co-editor of Gender and Corruption. Historical Roots and New Avenues for Research (Palgrave 2018). Her research has been published in journals such as Annual Review of Political Science, Politics & Gender, Governance, European Journal of Political Research.
Dr. Ina Kubbe is a Post-Doc researcher at the University of Tel Aviv, at the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations, where she mainly researches and teaches on corruption, migration, gender politics, and conflict resolution. She is specialized in social science methodology and comparative research on empirical corruption, democracy and governance research as well as political psychology - with a special focus on Europe. Ina has already published several books, special issues, and articles in the field and is also one of the founding members of the Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network (ICRN) as well as the Chair of the ECPR Standing Group on "(Anti)Corruption and Integrity".
Jennifer Sarvary Bradford joined the United Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Corruption and Economic Crime Branch in 2013 and has spearheaded the Branch’s work on gender and corruption ever since. This work has culminated in a growing array of initiatives of which most importantly the publication “The Time is Now – Addressing the Gender Dimensions of Corruption.” Through her work as part of the secretariat to the Implementation Review Mechanism (IRM) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, Jennifer has coordinated over 40 country reviews. During the negotiations of the Sustainable Development Goals, Jennifer represented the Branch in the UNODC team.
In 1998, Jennifer started her UN career in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Turkey and Cyprus, and subsequently in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. Having worked both at the UN Headquarters in New York and in the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), Jennifer joined UNODC in Vienna in 2005. From 2010 to 2013, she established the UNODC national programme for Ethiopia.
Jennifer holds a Master's degree in Law from Lund University, Sweden, where she also attended the Master’s programme of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.
Alexandra Habershon is Manager of Prevention, Risk & Knowledge in the Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) of the World Bank. Prior to that she was a Senior Governance Specialist in the Governance Global Practice, where she led global policy engagement activities on anticorruption and a research program with academic and development partners to advance the use of data analytics to measure corruption and assess the effectiveness of anticorruption policies and tools. She also led the development of a Global Procurement Anticorruption and Transparency platform (Pro-ACT) to enable the analysis and proactive mitigation of integrity risks in public procurement.
She has provided support to governments in implementing anticorruption tools and policies, with a focus on income and asset declaration systems, conflict of interest prevention regulations, beneficial ownership transparency, whistleblower protections and complaint mechanisms. She has led or co-authored anticorruption publications, including most recently a “Good Practices Guide on Conflict of Interest Prevention and Management in the Public Sector,” prepared at the request of the G20 Anticorruption Working Group, and chapters on “Beneficial Ownership Transparency” and “Accountability in Infrastructure” for the World Bank Global Report “Enhancing Government Effectiveness: The Fight Against Corruption.“ She was the World Bank Observer on the Board of the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative (CoST) from 2018-2021. From 2012-2018, she served as Program Coordinator of Preventive Services and Corporate Initiatives for INT and was Coordinator of the World Bank’s International Corruption Hunters Alliance (ICHA) – a global alliance of anticorruption practitioners. Alexandra has a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Georgetown University.
Senior Lecturer
University of Zimbabwe
Dr. Manase Kudzai Chiweshe is a Senior Lecturer in the Sociology Department at the University of Zimbabwe. He is also a Research Associate, in the Department of Sociology, Rhodes University, South Africa. Dr Chiweshe is an expert on football research in Africa with publish work on corruption, gender, fandom, governance, and globalisation of the game. He is the author of the book, The People’s Game: Football Fandom in Zimbabwe. As a sociologist, his work mainly resolves around everyday life in African spaces.