On 17 October 2023, the UNOV/UNODC Gender Team hosted a discussion with the author Jessica White to present finding from her book "Gender Mainstreaming Counter-terrorism Policy”, which analyses policy and programming challenges in gender mainstreaming in counter-terrorism policy, with examples from comparative case studies.
The issue of gender in security policy and programming has received an increase in interest over the past several years, with increasing pressure at the international and national levels to ensure commitment to the inclusion of women or a gender lens.
The book provides in-depth investigation of how gender can be effectively included in the security process, as well as how to improve understanding of gender's impact on preventing and countering violent extremism.
To give a perspective of UNODC efforts in the field, Kate Fitzpatrick Programme Officer at the UNODC Terrorism Prevention Branch presented how the organization ensures the integration of gender aspects in its work to prevent and counter the evolving threats of terrorism and violent extremism. Ms. Fitzpatrick outlined how UNODC works to raise awareness of the ways in which men and women are differently affected by and involved in terrorism, mainstream gender considerations into criminal justice processes dealing with terrorism, and on promoting the role of women in counter-terrorism and criminal justice agencies.