February 2020, Vienna - The UNODC Global HIV/AIDS programme is very pleased to announce that HIV grants for Civil Society Organizations have been awarded in January 2021 to a total of nine organizations from around the globe to implement projects in three thematic areas: HIV among people in prison, HIV among people who use drugs, and HIV and law enforcement.
The empowerment of community based organizations to develop and implement HIV prevention, treatment and care services is a critical enabler for an effective response to ending AIDS by 2030.
The nine grantees are: The Al Shehab Foundation for International Development (Egypt), Best Shelter (Myanmar), the Dhaka Ahsania Mission (Bangladesh), the Dream Weaver Foundation (Malawi), Lighthouse (Viet Nam), Médecins du Monde (Tanzania), the Milestones Rehabilitation Foundation (Nigeria), Spin Plus (Tajikistan), and the Support, Research and Development Centre (Ukraine).
Based on the initial success of this grants programme, initiated in 2020, another round of grants will be issued further down the line in 2021.