In partnership with the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), UNODC launched
The Kidnap for Ransom Project in February 2021. The goal of the project is to enhance the capacities and capabilities of Member States to prevent, investigate, and counter kidnap for ransom (including maritime kidnapping for ransom) through legal, institutional, and operational technical assistance.
As part of this project, UNOCT and UNODC launched an updated version of the United Nations Manual of Guidance for Countering Kidnapping and Extortion. The manual seeks to provide Member States with good practices, tactics and strategies identified by experienced practitioners in the field of investigation of kidnapping from around the world. It is designed to be of assistance to policymakers, senior law enforcement officials and practitioners involved in the prevention and investigation of kidnapping and extortion offences.
Due to the sensitivity of the material contained within the module, it is not publicly available online. To request a copy please
contact us directly.