Why peer-to-peer?
Agents of socialization such as people or social institutions that surround an individual influence the person’s attitudes, self-concept, and behaviours, and they can range from the family, school, community, peers, mass media, etc. Children’s earliest interactions occur in the family, where they learn basic social norms, values, language, manners, and social conduct. As they grow older, children start to spend increasingly more time away from the family, most often in school and with same-aged peers. The influence peer groups begins to grow, which can exert either positive or negative effects on the young adolescent’s social development, behaviour, attitudes, and normative beliefs.
Substance use or other potentially harmful behaviours of peers can negatively influence an early adolescent’s behaviour. But why not leverage on the positive influence of peer networking? Peer-to-peer interactions may allow more authentic and genuine interactions, compared to those with parents, teachers, or other authoritative figures. Healthy attitudes and social normative beliefs related to substance use are important protective factors against drug use, as are good social skills, and resilient mental and emotional health. ‘Friends in Focus’ aims to build on the transformative power of youth and their potential as game changers, in exerting positive peer influence through peer education on these values, skills, and norms.