Find the latest events and features on the work of the UNODC against transnational organized crime here:
A Practitioner’s Tale — Interview with Dr. Laura Diorella Islas Limiñana (Mexico)
Vienna, 8 January 2025. We recently spoke to Dr. Islas, Professor of International Security Studies at Tec de Monterrey, Senior Fellow at Women in International Security (WISS) sharing her story on becoming an expert on transnational organized crime, and on the relevance of UNODC in her work and research. Read more
Vienna, 19 November 2024.Commemorating the first-ever International Day against Transnational Organized Crime, UNODC held a high-level panel to discuss how to pull together to push back against organized crime. Read More
Vienna, 8 November 2024. The UNTOC Review Mechanism played a central role in the 12th Session of the COP, which presented opportunities to advance the Mechanism and enhance international cooperation. Read more
Vienna, 30 July 2024 - On 23-25 July, UNODC hosted the Regional Event for South-Eastern Europe on Organized Crime Strategies and Gender and Human Rights Mainstreaming. Read more
Vienna, 25 July 2024. Human trafficking for the removal of organs, child trafficking, assistance measures for smuggled migrants and ways to address the root causes of migrant smuggling: these were some of the key topics discussed at the recent Constructive Dialogues on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants which took place in Vienna respectively on 10 and 15 July. Read more
Vienna, 18 July 2024 – At the core of the UNTOC Review Mechanism lies a network of stakeholders engaged in advancing the review process of the Convention and its supplementing Protocols. To leverage the potential of this joint endeavour, the Mechanism’s Secretariat organized the second gathering of UNTOC Review Mechanism Officials in the margins of the Working Group on the Smuggling of Migrants. Read more
Experts in the Pacific Discuss Gender and Human Rights Responsive Organized Crime Strategies
Pacific Harbour, 16 July 2024 – The Pacific region faces significant challenges from organized criminal groups, with globalization, rapid digitalization and intensification of trade and connectivity within and beyond the region contributing to the complexity of the threat landscape. Drug trafficking, cyber-enabled and cyber-dependent crime, financial crime, crimes in the fisheries sector and trafficking in persons all feature prominently in the region, and continue to evolve in terms of new forms and modalities. Read more
Vienna, 5 July 2024 – Crimes that affect the environment, organized fraud and challenges posed by new technological developments are global concerns that stand high on the international agenda. Responses to these issues were discussed at the 2024 Joint Constructive Dialogue on Technical Assistance and International Cooperation which took place in Vienna on 7 June. During a full-day discussion, 112 non-governmental stakeholders, 43 States Parties, a Signatory State and an international organization explored ways to strengthen States’ responses to these challenges and step up global efforts in the broader fight against the various forms of organized crime. Read more
UNTOC Review Mechanism: donor engagement and EU funding discussed in Brussels
Brussels, 5 July 2024. Donor engagement helps strengthen partnerships in the fight against organized crime and requires an exchange of views, progress and needs. To strengthen joint engagement, the UNTOC Review Mechanism was at the centre of discussions in Brussels at a key event organized by the European Commission and bilateral meetings on 24 and 25 June 2024. Read more
Baghdad, 2 July 2024 - Attended by fifteen officials from ten major governmental entities, the first in-person training workshop on the UNTOC Review Mechanism was jointly organized by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior (MOI) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in coordination with the Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations to Vienna. Read more
UNTOC Review Mechanism Officials meet to advance international cooperation against organized crime
Vienna, 13 June 2024 – Marking a step forward in the review process of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto, the first Informal Meeting of UNTOC Review Mechanism Officials, organized by the Secretariat, took place in Vienna on 6 June 2024 in the margins of the 15th meeting of the UNTOC COP Working Group on International Cooperation. Read more
Transforming futures in Nigeria through a Women-led Network against Organized Crime
Vienna (Austria), 12 June 2024. “With education, the world is limitless, and through education, we can rewrite the African narrative for the better.” Victoria Ibiwoye, founder of the One African Child Foundation for Creative Learning, says that while her country of Nigeria provides a lot of opportunities, it is also one with high levels of inequality. Read more
Vienna, 6 June 2024 – On 20-23 May, the UNTOC Review Mechanism Secretariat organized a series of capacity-building sessions to train government officials on the UNTOC Review Mechanism and the use of the REVMOD platform. The training week registered over 270 participants from 95 countries. Read more
31 May 2024, Samarkand (Uzbekistan) - On 22-24 May 2024, UNODC hosted the first ever Regional Multistakeholder Event on Gender and Human Rights Mainstreaming in Preventing and Countering Organized Crime in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus (CASC). Read more
Progress of the UNTOC Review Mechanism discussed at CCPCJ33 event
Vienna (Austria), 29 May 2024. What is the status of the UNTOC Review Mechanism and how to harness its full potential? On 15 May, at CCPCJ side event “Navigating the UNTOC Review Mechanism: A Journey in Four Steps”, Focal Points and Governmental Experts from across the world shared their experiences, insights and lessons learned from the review process. More than 60 participants joined the online event organized by the UNTOC Review Mechanism Secretariat in cooperation with the Permanent Missions of Iraq and Italy to the United Nations in Vienna to discuss the progress of the Mechanism in these first years of its functioning. Read more
Athens (Greece), 19 April 2024 - The Legislative Guide on Combating Crimes in the Fisheries Sector, published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with technical inputs from FAO1, was officially launched during the 9th Our Ocean Conference (OOC-9), held from 15 to 17 April in Athens, Greece. The guide is one of the tools developed by UNODC under its FishNET project, funded by the Norwegian Development Cooperation Agency (Norad). It is part of a series of legislative guides developed by UNODC to address crimes that affect the environment. In addition to the Legislative Guide on Crimes in the Fisheries Sector, UNODC has published a legislative guide on combating wildlife trafficking (2018), waste trafficking (June 2022), illegal mining and trafficking in metals and minerals (September 2022). Two additional guides, on forest crime and on pollution crime with a dedicated annex on the pollution of the marine environment, are currently in process of being developed. Read more
Vienna (Austria), 18 April 2024. How can States and civil society work together to develop stronger and coordinated responses to the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms? How can States better harmonize their national frameworks and related criminal offences to implement the UN Firearms Protocol more effectively? Representatives from 65 stakeholders including civil society organizations, academia and the private sector as well as delegates from 37 States and 2 international and regional organizations gathered in Vienna on 5 April 2024 to discuss ways for stepping up their cooperation to strengthen the implementation of the UN Firearms Protocol and build stronger and coordinated responses to the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms. Read more
The Women Leaders Advancing Gender and Human Rights Responsive Organized Crime Responses
20 March 2024, Vienna (Austria) - On 11-22 March 2024, governments, civil society organizations and experts from across the world gather for the 68th annual Commission on the Status of Women, the UN's largest annual gathering on gender equality and women's empowerment. This year's event focuses on "Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective". Read more
14 March 2024, Bogota (Colombia) - The UNODC Global Programme on Implementing the Organized Crime Convention was in Bogota, Colombia on 27-29 February to host the first ever Regional Multistakeholder Event on Gender and Human Rights Mainstreaming in Preventing and Countering Organized Crime for Latin America and the Caribbean. Read more
Uzbekistan is Developing Its First National Strategy Against Organized Crime
Tashkent (Uzbekistan), 4 March 2024. On February 14-15, 2024, the UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) – in collaboration with the Global Programme on Implementing the Organized Crime Convention: from Theory to Practice - convened the second meeting of the Working Group to develop a National Strategy against Organized Crime in Uzbekistan. Read more
Vienna (Austria), 1 March 2024. “Through the establishment of the UNTOC Review Mechanism, the international community renewed its pledge to strengthen the capacity and cooperation to address transnational organized crime,” noted in his opening statement Mr. John Brandolino, Director of UNODC’s Division for Treaty Affairs, during the briefing on the UNTOC Review Mechanism, organized by its Secretariat on 27 February 2024.“As the real owners of the Mechanism, States parties’ active participation ensures that it will make a difference” he further emphasized. Read more
Maputo (Mozambique), 16 February 2024 – Good governance. Justice for all. Future generations united against organized crime. Economic prosperity. Safeguarding fundamental rights. A safer future for their children. Read more
Vienna (Austria), 20 December 2023 - Gender stereotypes pervade all aspects of life, influencing experiences and societies in ways both direct and indirect. The world of transnational organized crime is no exception. All people in contact with the crime are influenced by preconceived biases – consciously or not. Read more |
16 November 2023, Male (Maldives) - The UNODC Global Programme on Implementing the Organized Crime Convention was in Male, the Maldives to host two back-to back meetings: the Regional Multi-stakeholder Meeting on Strategies against Organized Crime and a Regional Event on Gender and Human Rights Mainstreaming in Preventing and Combating Organized Crime. Organized in partnership with UNODC Regional Office for South Asia, the event brought together policymakers, legislators, academia, international organizations and civil society from across the region with the purpose of discussing strategies against organized crime, as well as tools and best practices on mainstreaming gender equality and human rights considerations in the implementation of UNTOC. Read more
6 December 2023, Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) – Globally, the lack of women’s participation in the development of legislation and policies against organized crime continues to present a significant obstacle to the effective mainstreaming of gender and human rights considerations in the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC). Despite women’s representation in decision-making positions being an internationally agreed priority in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, women are underrepresented at all levels of legislation and policy development. Read more |
Vienna/Abidjan, 10 November 2023 - The UNODC Global Programme on Implementing the Organized Crime Convention held three back-to-back workshops to support the development of National Strategies against Organized Crime in Ghana, Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire in October and November 2023. Carried out within the framework of the UNODC project Regional Hub on Transnational Organized Crime for West and Central Africa based in Abidjan – Cote d’Ivoire with the generous support of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom, these events brought together a total of around 80 officials from the respective Ministries, including the Ministries of Justice and the Interior, specialized agencies such as the Narcotics Control Commission of Ghana, and relevant institutions, including Customs, Police and Gendarmerie of the three countries. Read more
Cartagena, 16 June 2023. Gold, iron, copper, tin… On one hand, the abundance in minerals and metals in Latin America constitutes a significant source of revenue for many countries in the region. But on the other hand, the illegal exploitation and trafficking of these resources, including in protected areas, undermines security and the rule of law while causing serious harms to the environment and human rights. Read more
UNODC Network of Women in Law and Policy against Organized Crime in West and Central Africa Vienna, 24 October 2023 - Are you a female policy maker, legislators, legislative drafter, criminal justice practitioner or law enforcement official from West and Central Africa? Do you work on issues related to organized crime?We invite you to submit your expression of interest for the first meeting of the UNODC Network of Women in Law and Policy against Organized Crime in West and Central Africa! Read more |
UNODC Project on Strategies against Organized Crime wins UK’s CSSF Award for Catalytic Delivery Vienna, 24 October 2023 - Comprehensive and inclusive strategies against organized crime bring tangible results and positive impact on preventing and combating transnational organized crime. Recently, the UNODC Project on Strategies against Organized Crime, implemented by UNODC Global Programme on Implementing the Organized Crime Convention, won UK’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) Award for Catalytic Delivery. The award acknowledges the project’s achievements in mobilizing international, regional and national action towards the development of comprehensive and effective national strategies to prevent and counter organized crime. Read more
Vienna, 20 October 2023 - As highlighted in the UNODC report Abused and Neglected, there is little evidence of cases of migrant smuggling being prosecuted in States throughout the migration journey, including cases of migrants suffering severe forms of abuse and violence while in transit. Civil society, policy experts and academia have repeatedly voiced their concerns over the widespread impunity of perpetrators and the suffering and violence often faced by smuggled migrants. Read more |
Why gender matters in the fight against gang violence Vienna (Austria), 16 October 2023 - Gender stereotypes pervade all aspects of life, influencing experiences and societies in ways both direct and indirect. The world of transnational organized crime is no exception. All people in contact with the crime are influenced by preconceived biases – consciously or not. Read more |
9-12 October 2023, Bangkok, Thailand - The UNODC Global Programme on Implementing the Organized Crime Convention was in Bangkok to host a Regional Multi-stakeholder Meeting on Strategies against Organized Crime, as well as its first ever Regional Event on Gender and Human Rights Mainstreaming in Preventing and Combating Organized Crime. Organized in partnership with UNODC Regional Office on Southeast Asia and the Pacific, the event brought together policymakers, legislators, academia, international organizations and civil society from across the region with the purpose of discussing strategies against organized crime, as well as tools and best practices on mainstreaming gender equality and human rights considerations in the implementation of UNTOC. Read more |
Vienna, 13 October 2023. According to 2022 UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, organized criminal groups across the world are responsible for most detected victims and convicted perpetrators of trafficking in persons. Relevant data stated in the report, highlight that larger and most structured organized criminal groups traffic more persons for a longer period of time, and in more violent ways. In particular, women and children suffer more violent exploitation than men. Read more
Palermo, 3 October 2023. According to UNODC data, migrants pay up to 5,000 USD to cross the Mediterranean Sea1, putting their lives and safety in the hands of ruthless criminals who treat them as commodities. Along migration routes, many migrants suffer extreme violence and abuse at the hands of smugglers, including human trafficking, exploitation, torture, kidnapping and sexual violence2. What can be done by States to counter criminals engaging in migrant smuggling while at the same time protect the human rights of migrants? How to ensure that efforts are focusing on investigating and prosecuting the ringleaders in order to dismantle migrant smuggling networks? Read more |
Vienna, 28 September 2023. Why does gender equality and human rights matter in normative and policy responses to transnational organized crime? How can States most effectively mainstream gender equality and human rights perspectives into the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)? Such issues, among others, were discussed during a high-level UNGA 78 side event dedicated to the launch of the new UNODC Toolkit on Mainstreaming Gender and Human Rights in the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Read more |
Vienna, 20 September 2023. How can States strengthen law enforcement cooperation to ensure effective investigation and prosecution of transnational organized crime? The practical implementation of Article 27 on law enforcement cooperation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) was the focus of the discussions of the 2023 Constructive Dialogue on International Cooperation which took place in Vienna on 13 September 2023. Read more |
Bosnia and Herzegovina discusses the implementation of its Strategy for Combating Organized Crime 12-13 July 2023, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Under the leadership of the BiH Ministry of Security, the relevant law enforcement and other authorities engaged in the implementation of the BiH Strategy Against Organized Crime met to analyze the execution of the Strategy and the follow-up development of the institutional Action Plans. Read more |
Summer School on Transnational Organised Crime successfully completed! Vienna, 3 July 2023. 34 students from several universities across the world participated in the 2023 Summer School on Transnational Organised Crime held in Vienna from 12 June until 23 June 2023. Read more |
Vienna, 28 June 2023. What are the linkages between transnational organized crime and corruption in conflict settings? Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, UNODC Executive Director, was interviewed on the challenges posed by the interplay of organized crime and corruption in conflict settings and the responses to them for the latest issue of the International Review of the Red Cross. Read more |
Vienna, 8 June 2023. What are the areas in which civil society can contribute to the implementation of UNTOC and how can it support the mainstreaming of human rights and gender considerations in it? How can non-governmental organizations contribute to developing analysis and policies that support States parties in responding to transnational organized crime? Read more
Achievements of 20 years of UNTOC implementation and way ahead highlighted at CCPCJ side event Vienna, 26 May 2023. What are the key achievements of 20 years of implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC)? How can UNTOC continue to represent an irreplaceable instrument to fight all forms of transnational organized crime in the present and in the future? Read more |
Vienna, 10 May 2023 - Strengthening the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its Firearms Protocol through the contribution of civil society, academia and the private sector was one of the key topics of the 2023 Constructive Dialogue on Firearms. Read more
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Vienna, 5 April 2023 - Gender and human rights mainstreaming helps contribute to a society that is more accessible and equitable for all. In the context of organized crime, gender and human rights dimensions help strengthen national normative and policy responses by taking into account the different and complex ways in which men, women, non-binary and gender diverse people experience organized crime and interact with the criminal justice system. Read more
Crisis and organized crime: building resilient responses Bangkok, 27 February 2023 - Organized crime – from money-laundering to human trafficking, cybercrime and more – tends to flourish in times of crisis. Quick to exploit vulnerabilities, organized criminal groups seize on lucrative opportunities that have multiplied during the COVID-19 pandemic and recent economic downturns, natural disasters, and armed conflicts. Read more
Tashkent, 13 March 2023 - National and regional strategies and plans of action against transnational organized crime play a key role in the fabric of the global response to the threats presented by organized criminal groups. To maximize the efficiency of such strategies and increase their cumulative impact, it is vital to ensure that these documents are comprehensive, coherent and evidence based. Read more
Bhutan: Bhutan accedes to UNTOC and its Trafficking in Persons Protocol Thimphu, 20 February 2023 - On 20 February 2023, Bhutan has acceded to the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. Read more
Cuenca, 9 February 2023 - In order to provide a holistic and collaborative response to the complex problem of organized crime, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) held the Second Workshop for the Development of the National Strategy against Organized Crime in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, from 7 until 9 February 2023. The work methodology promotes a participatory and inter-institutional process through the approach of four fundamental pillars: prevention, prosecution, protection and promotion of international cooperation. Read more
Jamaica: A step closer to the finalization of the National Strategy against Organized Crime Ocho Rios, 3 February 2023 - Supported by UNODC, Jamaica is currently finalizing its National Strategy against Organized Crime, which aims to provide a holistic and collaborative response to this complex problem, while fostering opportunities and prosperity for Jamaica’s people. Read more
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4th Training Week on the UNTOC Review Mechanism and on the use of REVMOD successfully completed Vienna, 2 February 2023 - 302 focal points, governmental experts, observers, and representatives from Permanent Missions to the United Nations, involved in the Mechanism for the Review of the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols thereto (UNTOC Review Mechanism) participated in the online training sessions organized by UNODC from 23 January until 1 February 2023 on the functioning of the Mechanism and on the use of REVMOD, the platform to conduct the country reviews. Read more |
UNTOC Review Mechanism's latest milestone: launch of the last group of 64 reviews Vienna, 1 November 2022 - The Review Mechanism established by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) marks today a very important milestone: the launch of the third and final group of 64 country reviews. By launching the last group of country reviews today, all States Parties[1] to the UNTOC are now engaged in the UNTOC Review Mechanism process. Read more |
18 April 2018 - The organized crime component of the E4J was invited to present at the International Seminar on "Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Europe", held at the University of Milan, Italy, on 17-19 April 2018. Read more |
News on human trafficking and migrant smuggling, illicit manufacturing and trafficking in firearms, cybercrime and money laundering are available on the following pages: