The Secretariat only coordinates the side events and facilitates the dissemination of relating information. The sole responsibility for the content of the side events (including promotional material and the events themselves) as well as for the related technical arrangements lies with the organizers.
Please note that some side events might require pre-registration! Kindly reach out to the indicated email address with any question on the side event.
Prevention, Treatment and Care of HIV and Other Related Infections Among People Who Use Drugs in Prisons and Upon Release
Organized by Kyrgyzstan with the support of the Republic of Moldova, and Switzerland, and the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section
Understanding the Desistance Journey of Female Substance Abusers and the Implications for their Interventions
Organized by the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association with the support of the International Federation of Non-Government Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse and the Turkish Green Crescent Society
Meeting ID: 897 9325 4884 Passcode: 607807
Heroin- and Ibogaine Assisted- Treatments in the Era of the Covid Crisis
Organized by the European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policy (ENCOD) with the support of the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty
Presentation of Annual Drug Review for 2020
Organized by Tajikistan
Conference ID: 863 1733 4001 Access code: 829268
Way Forward in the Control and Monitoring of Cannabis and Cannabis-Related Substances: Development of INCB Guidelines on the International Drug Control Requirements for the Cultivation, Manufacture and Utilization of Cannabis for Medical and Scientific Purposes
Organized by the International Narcotics Control Board with the support of Finland, Germany, Japan, and Thailand, and the European Union
Pre-registration is encouraged.
Independent evaluation results of UNODC’s work in West and Central Asia: Fostering support to health and social development for all
Organized by the UNODC Independent Evaluation Section with the support of the UNODC Country Office Afghanistan
Recent Developments in Cannabis Policy: Dangers and Misconceptions from the perspectives of Europe, Asia and the North America
Organized by the Turkish Green Crescent Society with the support of the National Anti-Drug Union (NAU), and Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM)
Zooming in on UNGASS implementation; what has happened?
Organized by FORUT – Campaign for Development and Solidarity with the support of the Fourth Wave Foundation, and Movendi International
My life in recovery- experiences and data on recovery journeys of women across Europe
Organized by Proslavi Oporavak/Celebrate Recovery with the support of EQUALITY/ResearchCollective – HOGENT, the University of Derby, Recovery Users Network (RUN), the San Patrignano Foundation, and the World Federation Against Drugs
Strengthening Community Support for Recovery
Organized by the International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse with the support of Indonesia, and the Associacao Reabilitacao de Toxicodependentes de Macau, and the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association
Interdiction measures for fentanyl and other synthetic opioids
Organized by the United Kingdom with the support of Canada, Estonia, and the United States of America, and the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Section
Prevention in everyone’s pocket: discover the possibilities online
Organized by Lithuania with the support of Japan, and Norway, and the Council of Europe
National Rehabilitation Center and Emirates National School: Integrated school prevention and peer education program
Organized by the United Arab Emirates
Family a key social institution for addressing substance use, violence, mental health and promote sustainable development: Lessons learned from parenting under stress, in humanitarian settings and in the context of COVID19 and beyond
Organized by Bangladesh with the support of Japan and Sweden, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
Non-scheduled and designer precursor chemicals – global challenges and global solutions
Organized by the European Union with the support of the United States of America, and the International Narcotics Control Board
Pre-registration is encouraged.
Drug use and COVID-19: public health challenges and priorities at the time of the pandemic and beyond
Organized by the World Health Organization
passcode: WHO_CND64
Strategic importance of real-time drug data
Organized by the UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch with the support of the Group of Friends of UNODC Research
Improving Prevention: Prioritizing Effective Approaches and Secondary Prevention
Organized by the New Zealand Drug Foundation with the support of Canada, and the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) and Youth Organisations for Drug Action
Cocaine: current and future innovations in policy, harm reduction and regulation
Organized by the Transform Drug Policy Foundation with the support of México Unido Contra la Delincuencia
European Union Drugs Strategy 2021-2025
Organized by Portugal and the European Union with the support of Germany, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction and EUROPOL
Promoting mental health, well-being and resilience in families and communities in the COVID-19 crisis through evidence-based drug use prevention, treatment and mental health initiatives
Organized by Japan with the support of France, Indonesia, and Jordan, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, and the World Health Organization
Education - a gateway to social reintegration
Organized by Greece with the support of the Council of Europe
Innovations in Brazilian Drug Policy
Organized by Brazil with the support of the UNODC Country Office Brazil
What does evidence tell us about drug-related violence?
Organized by the UNODC Crime Research Section
Online trafficking in synthetic drugs: cyberthreats, detection and response
Organized by the UNODC Cybercrime and Money-Laundering Section with the support of the United States of America, and the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Section
The Challenges Posed by CBD Products Manufactured for Widespread Public Consumption
Organized by the Community Alliance for Drug Free Youth (CADFY)
Shifting the needle: The impact of global drug policy on women
Organized by Penal Reform International with the support of the Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society – Dejusticia, the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS), the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Thailand Institute of Justice and the Washington Office in Latin America
Social integration of justice-involved individuals charged with drug-related crimes in Latin America
Organized by the San Patrignano Foundation with the support of Chile, Italy, and Peru, and the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD)/Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS)
interpretation in English, Spanish and Italian