The Secretariat only coordinates the side events and facilitates the dissemination of relating information. The sole responsibility for the content of the side events (including promotional material and the events themselves) as well as for the related technical arrangements lies with the organizers.
Please note that some side events might require pre-registration! Kindly reach out to the indicated email address with any question on the side event.
Maritime Drug Trafficking in the South Pacific
Organized by the Global Maritime Crime Programme (GMCP) team in the UNODC Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific
VNGOC Ad Hoc Working Group, NGOs from Asia unite to create a consensus and a call for attention to the challenges in Asia regarding drug matters
Organized by the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs with the support of the Associacao de Rehabilitacao Toxicodependentes de Macau, and the UNODC Civil Society Unit
New Challenges for Cybersecurity and Illicit Drug Trafficking and Consumption in the Era of Covid-19
Organized by the International Police Association, with the support of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Smart Solutions Integration Agency”
Inspiring community action in the rehabilitation and re-integration of offenders
Organized by Singapore with the support of the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section
Meeting ID: 93260711233
Relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNODC in the sphere of drug control: current state and prospects of development of cooperation (in Russian)
Organized by Uzbekistan
Africa: strategic findings to understand and address a multi-faceted drug problem
Organized by the UNODC Regional Section for Africa and the Middle East with the support of the UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch
Ensuring access to measures for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV among women who use drugs and women in prisons
Organized by the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section with the support of Norway and Sweden, and the International Network of People who Use drugs and the World Health Organization
The death penalty for drug offences in the COVID-19 pandemic era
Organized by Harm Reduction International with the support of Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Mexico, Mongolia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, and the European Union, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Reprieve
CARICC as a leading platform for international and regional cooperation in combating drug trafficking and transnational organised crime
Organized by the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for combating the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors – CARICC with the support of the UNODC Country Office in Kazakhstan
ID: 962 2458 1886 Pin-code: 247074
Consequences of Legalizing cannabis on youth
Organized by the Jordan Anti Drugs Society with the support of Shifaa for Health Services, Together Against Drugs, and the Turkish Green Crescent Society
Webinar ID: 971 6867 2001 Webinar Passcode 105387
Reframing Global Prevention Practices and Policies During COVID 19
Organized by the Drug Free America Foundation, Inc., with the support of the Turkish Green Crescent, the Uganda Youth Development Link and the World Federation Against Drugs
Protecting civil society space at times of COVID-19: Lessons learned for advocacy
Organized by the Youth Organisations for Drug Action (YODA) with the support of Australia, Canada, Mexico and Switzerland, and the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, Frontline AIDS, and the International Drug Policy Consortium
Addressing the Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs and Strengthening Global Responses
Organized by China with the support of the International Narcotics Control Board
Safety first in handling dangerous drugs and chemicals
Organized by Finland with the support of the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Section
Promoting Attitudes and Actions that Reduce Stigmatisation of Drug Use and Drug Addiction
Organized by Malta with the support of Canada, and the Council of Europe
Meeting ID: 889 102 120 Passcode: 9061
Pre-registration is encouraged.
New Paradigm of Addiction Recovery - A Model of hope for overcoming the challenges in drug treatment recovery
Organized by Sri Lanka
Human Rights in Action: Implementing the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy
Organized by the Office of the High-Commissioner for Human Rights with the support of Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Malta, Mexico, Portugal, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Uruguay, and the Council of Europe, the European Union, the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Health Organization
No one left behind: UNODC-WHO Programme on Drug Dependence Treatment and Care
Organized by the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section with the support of Kazakhstan, Spain, Sweden and the United States of America, and the European Union, the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and the World Health Organization
The impact of COVID-19 on drug markets – one year later
Organized by the Programme Development and Management Unit of the UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch
Smokescreen: Cannabis Legalization and Public Health Impacts from the Front Lines
Organized by Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM)
The impacts of COVID-19 on young people's drug use
Organized by the Students for Sensible Drug Policy with the support of Youth RISE
INCB Learning - Capacity Building Solutions: Supporting Member States during emergencies and the way forward
Organized by Switzerland with the support of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Singapore and Spain, and the African Union, the European Union, the International Narcotics Control Board, the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD)/Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS), the UNODC Drug Prevention and Health Branch and the World Health Organization
Social and emotional learning as a systemic prevention approach, not merely an intervention
Organized by Slovenia with the support of the International Association of Lions Clubs, the Institute for Research and Development “Utrip”, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section
Empowering the next generation of youth towards Sustainable Development and prevention of crime and drug use and other negative social and health consequences
Organized by Qatar with the support of the Russian Federation, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section
Strategies for the reduction of illicit crops vis-à-vis the protection of water, biodiversity and the environment - Estrategias de Reduccion de Cultivos Ilicitos Frente a la Proteccion del Agua, la Biodiversidad y el Medio Ambiente
Organized by Colombia with the support of Costa Rica, and the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD), Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS)
The changing face of the global cocaine market: reading the trends to respond with foresight
Organized the UNODC Drug Research Section
Insights into Treatment and Care for People with Drug Use Disorders in Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Alternatives to Conviction or Punishment
Organized by the UNODC Justice Section with the support of Norway and Vietnam, and the African Union, the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, and the World Health Organization and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC)
Inequities Laid Bare: Responding to Challenges of COVID-19 and Beyond
Organized by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction with the support of Canada, and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the Community Addictions Peer Support Association (CAPSA), the HIV Legal Network and the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
Critical situation with rights violation of women using drugs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: immediate action required
Organized by the ICF Alliance for Public Health with the support of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association
How the Covid-19 Pandemic Altered the Involvement of NGO’s in Drug Policymaking Processes?
Organized by the Green Moon Georgia with the support of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Implementation and Monitoring Center in Georgia, the Green Crescent India and Verein Neubeginn Suchtprävention
Webinar ID:997 1773 4991 Passcode: 255315