The 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice was held from 7 to 12 March 2021 in Kyoto, Japan, in line with the UN General Assembly decision A/DEC/74/550 B. The Congress was originally scheduled to take place in Kyoto, Japan, on 20-27 April 2020, but was postponed, due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
The 14th Crime Congress, held under the overall theme “Advancing crime prevention, criminal justice and the rule of law: towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda”, brought together more than 5,000 participants from all over the world. A record 152 Member States were represented at the Congress along with 114 non-governmental organizations, 37 intergovernmental organizations, 600 individual experts and several UN entities and institutes. Most of the participants joined online, via a special event platform, while a limited number of participants attended in person in the Kyoto International Conference Centre.
At the beginning of the high-level segment, Member States adopted the Kyoto Declaration, under which governments agreed on concrete actions to advance responses addressing crime prevention, strengthening criminal justice and promoting the rule of law and international cooperation, including against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition to the formal proceedings of the Congress, 13 special events and a large number of ancillary meetings were hosted on the event platform.
A Youth Forum was organized in the margins of the Fourteenth Congress, on 27 and 28 February 2021, under the overall theme “Youth Engagement for Our Safe and Secure Society towards Achieving the SDGs”.
Held in a hybrid format in Kyoto, the Youth Forum brought together over 150 young people from over 30 countries, including high school and university students and recent graduates. Over two days, participants engaged in lively discussions on youth engagement in preventing youth crime and reintegrating youth offenders; youth education for fostering a culture of lawfulness; and youth commitment towards a safe information society.
The recommendations of the Youth Forum were presented during the opening of the Kyoto Congress on its first day.
09.00 - 10.30 Women’s Empowerment & Advancement of Justice: Celebrating International Women’s Day with the Japanese public at the Kyoto Crime Congress
Organized by UNODC DO (focal point Satoko Nadamoto)
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
11.30 - 13.00 The UN Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons (UNVTF) 10 Years Since Inception: Achievements and Best Practices
Organized by UNODC DPA (focal point Flavio Mirella).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
14.00 - 15.30 The Nature of Corruption: Addressing Corruption Linked to Wildlife, Forest and Fisheries Crime
Organized by UNODC DO/DTA/DPA (focal points Tim Steele/Maria Adomeit/Jorge Rios/Jenna Dawson-Faber).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
16.30 - 18.00 Gender Dimensions of Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism
Organized by UNODC DTA (focal point Kate Fitzpatrick).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
9.00 - 10.30 An Urban Safety Governance approach for safe, inclusive and resilient societies
Organized by UNODC DPA (focal points Gautam Babbar/Monica Belalcazar).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
11.30 - 13.00 Judicial Cooperation Networks: Launch of the South East Asia Justice Network (SEAJust) and promotion of international cooperation in criminal matters and the connection between judicial cooperation networks
Organized by UNODC DTA/DO (focal points Karen Kramer and Cherine Rahmy).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
14.00 - 15.30 Equal Access to Justice for All
Organized by UNODC DO (focal point Anika Holterhof).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
16.30 - 18.00 Rethinking Responses to Crime: Justice, Security and Citizen Engagement to Promote Sustainable Peace and Development during the Decade of Action
Organized by UNODC DO (focal point Satoko Nadamoto).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
9.00 - 10.30 The impact of COVID-19 in prison settings – Mitigating risks and ‘building back better’
Organized by UNODC DO (focal point Philipp Meissner/Alejandro Matta).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
11.30 - 13.00 Safeguarding Sport from Corruption and Crime
Organized by UNODC DTA (focal points Brigitte Strobel-Shaw/Ronan O'Laoire).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
14.00 - 15.30 The UNODC Roadmap on the Treatment of Children Associated with Terrorist and Violent Extremist Groups
Organized by UNODC DO (focal point Alexandra Martins).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
16.30 - 18.00 Youth and the Rule of Law: Effective agents of change
Organized by UNODC DPA (focal point Gautam Babbar).
Conference Room RoomD.
Concept Note
Programme of Events
Conference room papers, written statements and background information
Statements High-level segment
Report on the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (A/CONF.234/16)
Report on the Activities of Ancillary Meetings for the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Disclaimer: Due to the postponement of the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, the dates of the Congress that appear in all pre-session documentation are no longer valid. Additional information on the new dates will be shared once it becomes available.
Symbol |
Title |
Organizational arrangements |
Information for participants |
Annotated provisional agenda and organization of work |
Rules of procedure for United Nations congresses on crime prevention and criminal justice |
Report of the Secretary-General on the state of crime and criminal justice worldwide |
Working paper prepared by the Secretariat on "Comprehensive strategies for crime prevention towards social and economic development" (agenda item 3) |
Working paper prepared by the Secretariat on "Integrated approaches to challenges facing the criminal justice system" (agenda item 4) |
Working paper prepared by the Secretariat on "Multidimensional approaches by Governments to promoting the rule of law by, inter alia, providing access to justice for all; building effective, accountable, impartial and inclusive institutions; and considering social, educational and other relevant measures, including fostering a culture of lawfulness while respecting cultural identities, in line with the Doha Declaration" (agenda item 5) |
Working paper prepared by the Secretariat on "International cooperation and technical assistance to prevent and address all forms of crime: (a) Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations; (b) New and emerging forms of crime" (agenda item 6) |
Background paper on the Workshop on "Evidence-based crime prevention: statistics, indicators and evaluation in support of successful practices" (workshop a) |
Background paper on the Workshop on "Reducing reoffending: identifying risks and developing solutions" (workshop b) |
Background paper on the Workshop on "Education and youth engagement as key to making societies resilient to crime" (workshop c) |
Background paper on the Workshop on "Current crime trends, recent developments and emerging solutions, in particular new technologies as means for and tools against crime" (workshop d) |
Report of the Secretary-General on the follow-up to the Doha Declaration on integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the wider United Nations agenda to address social and economic challenges and to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and public participation |
Report of the Executive Director on the rule of law, crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals |
Report of the Secretariat on integrating sports into youth crime prevention and criminal justice strategies |
Working paper prepared by the Secretariat on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in face of the COVID-19 pandemic |
Report of the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice |
Discussion guide |
List of participants |
Symbol |
Title |
Report of the pre-Congress consultations |
Report on the organization of the Congress and administrative matters |
Report on the high-level segment |
Draft report on "Comprehensive strategies for crime prevention towards social and economic development" (agenda item 3) |
Draft report on "Integrated approaches to challenges facing the criminal justice system" (agenda item 4) |
Draft report on "Multidimensional approaches by Governments to promoting the rule of law by, inter alia, providing access to justice for all; building effective, accountable, impartial and inclusive institutions; and considering social, educational and other relevant measures, including fostering a culture of lawfulness while respecting cultural identities, in line with the Doha Declaration" (agenda item 5) |
Draft report on "International cooperation and technical assistance to prevent and address all forms of crime: (a) Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations; (b) New and emerging forms of crime" (agenda item 6) |
Report of Committee I: Workshop a: "Evidence-based crime prevention: statistics, indicators and evaluation in support of successful practices" (agenda item 3) |
Report of Committee I - Workshop b: "Education and youth engagement as key to making societies resilient to crime" (agenda item 5) |
Report of Committee II - Workshop c: "Reducing reoffending: identifying risks and developing solutions" (agenda item 4) |
Report of Committee II - Workshop d: "Current crime trends, recent developments and emerging solutions, in particular new technologies as means for and tools against crime" (agenda item 6) |
Report on the Credential Committee |
Kyoto Declaration |
Special events |
As recommended by the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, as the preparatory body of the Fourteenth Congress, the General Assembly adopted resolution 72/192, entitled "Follow-up to the Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and preparations for the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice", the Assembly urged participants in the regional preparatory meetings to examine the substantive items on the agenda and the topics of the workshops of the Fourteenth Congress and to make action-oriented recommendations to serve as a basis for the draft recommendations and conclusions for consideration by the Congress.
Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok/Thailand, 22-24 January 2019, Documents
Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago/Chile, 5-7 February 2019, Documents
Western Asia, Beirut/Lebanon, 26-28 March 2019, Documents
Africa, Addis Ababa/Ethiopia, 9-11 April 2019, Documents
Europe, Vienna/Austria, 23-25 April 2019, Documents
Agenda Item 4. ( PDF )
Agenda Item 5.(a) ( PDF )
Agenda Item 5.(b) ( PDF )
Agenda Item 5.(c) ( PDF )
Agenda Item 5.(d) ( PDF )
"A snapshot of the outcomes of the five regional preparatory meetings for the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice" ( PDF )
Annex A Compilation ( PDF )
Annex B Matrix ( PDF )
In its resolution 72/192, the General Assembly decided that the following issues would be considered in workshops:
(a) Evidence-based crime prevention: statistics, indicators and evaluation in support of successful practices
(b) Reducing reoffending: identifying risks and developing solutions
(c) Education and youth engagement as key to making societies resilient to crime
(d) Current crime trends, recent developments and emerging solutions, in particular new technologies as means for and tools against crime
Workshop 1: Evidence-based crime prevention: statistics, indicators and evaluation in support of successful practices
Committee I/II, 3 Meetings:
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Monday, 8 March 2021
Concept Note
Draft Agenda
Workshop 2: Reducing reoffending: identifying risks and developing solutions
Committee I/II, 3 Meetings:
Monday, 8 March 2021
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Concept Note
Workshop 3: Education and youth engagement as key to making societies resilient to crime
Committee I/II, 3 Meetings:
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Concept Note
Workshop 4: Current crime trends, recent developments and emerging solutions, in particular new technologies as means for and tools against crime
Committee I/II, 3 Meetings:
Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Concept Note
During its thirtieth regular session in May 2021, the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice adopted by consensus a resolution entitled “Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice”, through which the Commission approved the Kyoto Declaration on Advancing Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law: Towards the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Member States requested, amongst others, in operative paragraph 11 of the resolution that the Commission, hold intersessional thematic discussions to effectively follow up on the Kyoto Declaration through the sharing of information, good practices and lessons learned, subject to the availability of extrabudgetary resources.
The Commission endorsed a multi-year workplan for the intersessional thematic discussions, which follows the four pillars of the declaration, (PILLAR I Advancing crime prevention; PILLAR II Advancing the criminal justice system; PILLAR III Promoting the rule of law; and PILLAR IV Promoting international cooperation and technical assistance to prevent and address all forms of crime), with each thematic discussion focusing on one thematic pillar of the declaration.
On 7 March 2021, the Fourteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice adopted by consensus the Kyoto Declaration, calling upon the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to adopt the appropriate policy and operational measures for the follow-up to the declaration and to identify innovative ways to make use of information on progress made in the implementation of the declaration, and inviting the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to engage with other relevant stakeholders, including the institutes of the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme network, in order to strengthen global partnership in advancing crime prevention, criminal justice and the rule of law towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.
6 March |
7 March |
8 March |
9 March |
10 March |
11 March |
12 March |
Journal 1 |
Journal 2 |
Journal 3 |
Journal 4 |
Journal 5 |
Journal 6 |
Journal 7 |
6 March |
7 March |
8 March |
9 March |
10 March |
11 March |
12 March |