The issue of gender in UNODC’s drug-related programmes has risen more frequently than in other programmes. Targeted research shows marked differences between women and men in almost as all aspects of the drug phenomenon, as well as in a number of high-level political declarations by the General Assembly calling for the incorporation of a gender dimension in the design and implementation of all alternative development programmes, treatment and rehabilitation, and demand reduction policies.
This brief aims to highlight the more inconspicuous gender dimensions under this mandated area, and helps to underline that there are no gender-neutral interventions when the ultimate goal is to improve the lives of all people, women and men, girls and boys, as well as individuals of diverse bodily characteristics, diverse sexual orientation and or/diverse or plural gender identities.
The thematic brief on mainstreaming gender in the world drug problem projects/programmes provides a step by step guidance on how to practically mainstream gender throughout programme documents.
These resources provide practical guidance and are designed to support national governments, other UN entities or individuals working in civil society organizations. This will be updated regularly.