Dushanbe, December 2022 - March 2023 – UNODC works to support the development of safer, more humane prison systems worldwide. One key element of this work is our global programme on Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Detention, funded by the US Government. This group of prisoners poses significant challenges to prison systems; their risks and needs must be well-managed to ensure the safety of other prisoners, prison staff, and the wider community.
In Tajikistan, UNODC works closely with the Prison Service to deliver this programme, strengthening the capacity of the penitentiary system to prevent and combat terrorism and violent extremism. We recently delivered a series of training workshops on Risks and Needs Assessment (RNA) Protocols and Sentence Planning in Prisons, and Dynamic Security and Prison Intelligence. These workshops were attended by 69 prison staff members, and have helped to build awareness, knowledge and practical skills in these vital areas.
During the training workshops on RNA (on 12-13 December 2022 and 13-14 March 2023), the correctional staff were introduced to RNA tools. These enable staff to make informed decisions about the risks posed by each inmate and the needs underlying his/her criminal behavior that should be addressed in prison programming and management. The major workshop sessions introduced participants to risks related to violent extremism in prison settings; RNA tools for violent extremist prisoners (VEPs) and foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs), including female prisoners; sentence planning and post-release supervision; and multiagency cooperation.
Workshop participants actively discussed the need for additional training and guidance for prison staff, evaluation reports on RNA tools, and evidence on the effectiveness of various approaches to RNA and related prison programming.
Prison security is one of the foundations of good prison management. It is essential for the safety of prisoners, prison staff and the wider community outside the prison, and lays the groundwork for other interventions supporting rehabilitation and social reintegration.
When it comes to high-risk prisoners, such as those convicted of terrorism-related offences, good prison security is all the more vital. During workshops on Dynamic Security and Prison Intelligence (on 14-15 December 2022 and 15-16 March 2023), prison staff increased their knowledge on the ways of better understanding prisoners and assessing the risks they may pose as well as ensuring safety, security and good order in prisons, contributing to rehabilitation of FTFs and VEPs in preparation for their release. Participants learned about the role and benefits of having prison-based intelligence unit and officers, as well as about the intelligence cycle, which is a fundamental part of effective dynamic security in prisons.
The workshops were delivered by FTF programme staff, complemented by international experts from Bulgaria, Germany and Czech Republic. The trainings were interactive, with experts engaging participants in discussions in an open forum which encouraged feedback, questions and recommendations. Parties agreed that the international best practices will be examined and adapted to the local context.
Through continued partnership with local authorities, UNODC aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of the penitentiary system of Tajikistan to develop RNA instruments and put them into practice. This will enable prison staff to perform their tasks in an effective and professional manner to manage and mitigate the threats posed by high-risk prisoners.