We are pleased that 'Listen First' will reach Greece through the Non-Profit Organization (NPO) 'Athina Ygeia,' a center for the prevention of addictions and the promotion of psychosocial health (ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΠΡΟΛΗΨΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΞΑΡΤΗΣΕΩΝ & ΠΡΟΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΨΥΧΟΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΗΣ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ' ΑΘΗΝΑ ΥΓΕΙΑ').
The organization actively followed 'Listen First' since its beginning in 2016, shared material on social media, and used the information in its work with parents and teachers. Now 'Athina Ygeia' is planning to translate all ‘Listen First’ materials into Greek, making them available nationwide in 2023.
'Αthina Ygeia' is the prevention center of the city of Athens, one of the large prevention networks in Greece co-funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Health and the Hellenic Ministry of Interior. Its scientific supervision comes through the Organisation Against Drugs (ΟΚΑΝΑ), the national coordinator and services/programs provider in the fields of prevention, treatment, and reintegration. Its main activities focus on prevention interventions, events, and activities on life skills enhancement - primarily with populations within the school community: students, educators, parents, and other caregivers.
"'The Science of Skills' is ideal for our work with pupils and 'The Science of Care' for our work with parents and other caregivers," says Natalia Tzovara, psychologist, and member of the scientific team of the organization. "We will disseminate the material all over Greece within the school community, the prevention centers network, and key official organizations in the field of addiction prevention and treatment in Greece."
About ‘Listen First’, she concludes that "from the 'Just Say No' message (to children) of the 1980s (in America) to the [parents and communities] 'Listen First' message in the 2020s (all over the world), drug prevention has made huge steps scientifically, and in the way, prevention messages are delivered. The 'Listen First' campaign is an excellent science-based example of what is being done today in substance use prevention, and at the same time, a model way of developing prevention messages that can actually work."
UNODC looks forward to assisting in bringing 'Listen First' to Greece and wishes 'Athina Ygeia' all the best, as their team plans their important work!
Made possible with the generous support of France.