The resolutions and decisions database offers for full text search and sorting:
Adoption of an international instrument for the control of psychotropic substances not yet under international control.
Reports of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and of the International Narcotics Control Board.
Need for the adoption of urgent measures for ratification of or accession to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961.
International co-operation for the replacement of cannabis cultivation in Lebanon.
The application of urgent control measures to certain stimulant drugs.
Special session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Election of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
International control of psychotropic substances.
Technical assistance in the field of narcotics.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and final report of the Permanent Central Narcotics Board and of the Drug Supervisory Body.
Regional co-operation in the Near and Middle East in the campaign against the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs.
The abuse of cannabis and the continuing need for strict control.
Replacement of cannabis cultivation in Lebanon.
National legislative measures for the control of psychotropic substances not under international control.
Urgent control measures for LSD and similar hallucinogenic substances.
Summary records of meetings of subsidiary organs of the Council.
Election of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
Technical co-operation.
Payment of honoraria to members of the International Narcotics Control Board.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and report of the Permanent Central Narcotics Board.
Administrative arrangements to ensure the full technical independence of the International Narcotics Control Board.
LSD and similar substances.
Approval of the appointment of the Secretary of the Permanent Control Narcotics Board.
Election of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
Election of the members of the International Narcotics Control Board.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
The question of the coca leaf.
Implementation of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
Report of the Permanent Central Narcotics Board.
Election of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
Election of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
The control of new narcotic substances.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board for 1963.
The question of khat.
Survey of the economic and social requirements of the opium-producing regions in Thailand.
Election of one-third of the membership of the functional commissions.
Approval of the appointment of the Secretary of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Election of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
United Nations programmes for technical assistance in human rights and in narcotic drugs.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Technical co-operation in narcotics control.
Technical co-operation in narcotics control.
Review of the Commission's work during its first twenty sessions.
Illicit Traffic in the Far East.
International control of narcotics.
Election of members of the functional commission of the Council.
Establishment of a committee to consider candidates for election to the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
ECOSOC Resolution.
The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961: Ratification and accession.
The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961: Preparations for the coming into force.
Technical Co-operation in Narcotics Control: Regional Co-ordination in Latin America.
The question of inviting the authorities entitled to appoint members of the Drug Supervisory Body to appoint persons who are also members of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Abuse of drugs (drug addiction).
Completion of the collection of authenticated samples.
Control of Barbiturates.
CND Decisions.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Increase in the membership of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council.
Illicit Traffic.
Abuse of drugs (drug addiction).
CND Decisions.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Middle East Narcotics Survey Mission.
Research in the field of drug addiction.
Recommendation for the carriage of narcotic drugs in first-aid kits of aircraft engaged in international flight.
Proposed Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs: List of Exempted Preparations.
Establishment of a committee to consider candidates for election to a vacancy in the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Election of a member of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Co-operation with the International Criminal Police Organization.
Middle East Narcotics Survey Mission Regional Conferences.
Single Convention: Exempted preparations.
First Inter-American Meeting on the Illicit Traffic in Cocaine and Coca Leaves.
Regional Conferences for Narcotics Control.
CND Decisions.