The resolutions and decisions database offers for full text search and sorting:
Technical assistance in narcotics control.
Elections of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Participation in the protocol of 19 November 1948.
Provisional control of new narcotic drugs.
The question of cannabis: Medical use of cannabis drugs.
Symbol for identification of packages containing narcotic drugs.
Carriage of narcotic drugs in first-aid kits of aircraft engaged in international flight.
Control and limitation of narcotics documentation: Quinquennial summary of laws and regulations.
Technical assistance in the field of narcotics control.
Place of meeting of the fifteenth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Meetings of the Illicit Traffic Committee.
Technical assistance for narcotics control.
CND Decisions.
Technical Assistance to Afghanistan.
Technical assistance for narcotics control.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Publicity on new narcotics.
National control of normethadone.
Provisional safeguards for the carriage of narcotic drugs in first-aid kits of aircraft engaged in international flight.
Prevention of drug addiction.
Prohibition of opium production in Afghanistan.
Middle East Narcotics Survey Mission.
The proposed Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
Place of meeting of the fourteenth session of the Commission.
Technical Assistance for narcotics control.
The proposed Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
Questions arising from the report of the Permanent Antinarcotics Bureau of the League of Arab States.
Opium origin determination.
The question of cannabis.
CND Decisions.
Procedure to be followed for the election of the membership of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Scientific research on opium.
The question of khat.
Draft Single Convention on narcotic drugs.
Technical assistance to India and Morocco.
Technical assistance to Iran.
Question of inviting the authorities entitled to appoint members of the Drug Supervisory Body to appoint persons who are also members of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Election of the members of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Carriage of narcotic drugs in first-aid kits of aircraft engaged in international flight.
Illicit traffic.
Request of Afghanistan to be recognized as a State producing opium for export.
Opium and opiates (including scientific research on opium).
The question of cannabis.
Control of the manufacture of natural and synthetic drugs.
The abuse of barbiturates.
The question of "tranquillizers".
CND Decisions.
Election of members of the functional commissions of the Council.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
International control of narcotics and implementation of the treaties.
Technical Assistance for narcotics control.
Technical Assistance to Iran.
Draft Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
Question of the claim of Afghanistan to be included among countries which may produce opium for export.
Meeting of scientists on opium research.
Approval of the appointment of the Deputy Secretary of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Technical assistance for narcotics control.
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
International control of narcotics and implementation of the treaties.
Request of Afghanistan to be recognized as a state producing opium for export.
Request of Afghanistan to be recognized as a state producing opium for export.
The problem of synthetic narcotic drugs.
The amphetamines problem.
CND Decisions.
Election of one-third of the membership of the functional commissions of the Council.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
International control of narcotics and implementation of the treaties.
The problem of cannabis.
The problem of synthetic drugs.
Abuse of drugs (drug addiction).
Control and limitation of documentation.
Invitations to Spain to become a Party to the Protocols of 1946 and 1948 on Narcotic Drugs.
Scientific research on narcotics.
The problem of the coca leaf.
The problem of diacetylmorphine.
Draft single convention control of poppy straw.
Use of non-proprietary names.
Illicit Traffic.
Bulletin on narcotics.
CND Decisions.
United Nations Narcotics Laboratory.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
International control of narcotics and implementation of the treaties.
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of opium.
Scientific research on opium.
The problem of the coca leaf.
The problem of cannabis.
The problem of diacetylmorphine.
The problem of synthetic drugs.
Drug addiction.
Illicit traffic.
Proposed single convention on narcotic drugs.
Appointment of a member of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Appointment of a member of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Scientific research on opium.
Implementation of the treaties and International Control.
Synthetic Drugs.
Illicit traffic.
Illicit traffic.
Decisions B1,B2,B5-B7,B9-B16,B18-B25,B27-B39,B41 (IX)
CND Decisions.
Assumption by organs of the United Nations of functions and responsibilities assigned to them under the terms of the Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium, 1953, and of the financial burdens resulting therefrom.
United Nations narcotics laboratory.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Abolition of Opium Smoking.
The problem of synthetic drugs.
Co-operation between the United Nations and the Universal Postal Union in respect of control of narcotic drugs.
List of basic drugs and preparations falling under international narcotics control.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board for 1952.
Universal and early application of the Protocol for limiting and regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in and Use of Opium.
Model code and commentary for the application of the Protocol for limiting and regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium.
Assumption by organs of the United Nations of functions and responsibilities assigned to them under the terms of the Protocol for limiting and regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium, and of the financial burdens resulting therefrom.
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
The Problem of synthetic drugs.
CND Decision.
CND Decisions.
Approval of the appointment of the Secretary of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
International limitation of opium production.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
International co-operation to control the illicit traffic in narcotics.
Illicit trafficking by the crews of merchant ships and civil aircraft.
The Problem of the Coca Leaf.
Scientific research on narcotics.
Control of synthetic narcotic drugs.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Invitation to the United Kingdom of Libya to become a Party to the Protocol of 19 November 1948 relating to Narcotic Drugs.
Communication to governments of findings of the World Health Organization under article 8 of the 1925 Convention, as amended by the 1946 Protocol.
ECOSOC Decision.
Election of members of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
The Problem of the Coca Leaf.
Scientific research on narcotics.
CND Decision.
CND Decision.
CND Decisions.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
Interim agreement to limit the production of opium to medical and scientific needs.
Offer for sale in Hong Kong of five hundred tons of opium at present in China.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Statistics required by the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Calendar of Conferences for 1951.
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Principles of the proposed protocol relating to the limitation of the production of opium.
Limitation of the production of opium to medical and scientific needs.
Problem of the coca leaf.
Burmese proposal for the establishment of a United Nations committee to co-ordinate the efforts of certain Far Eastern governments to suppress poppy cultivation and the smuggling of opium.
Application of article 2 of the Protocol of 19 November 1948 bringing under International Control Drugs outside the scope of the Convention of 13 July 1931 for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the Protocol signed at Lake Success on 11 December 1946.
CND Decision.
CND Decision.
CND Decisions.
Report of the Permanent Central Opium Board.
Question of the exemption of Ipécopan from the provisions of the Convention of 19 February 1925 on Narcotic Drugs.
Procedure "regarding" draft single convention on narcotic drugs.
Report of the Interim Committee on Programme of Meetings on the sessions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and related meetings.
Invitation to the United States of Indonesia to become a Party to the Protocol of 19 November 1948 relating to narcotic drugs.
CND Resolution.
CND Resolution.
CND Decision.
CND Decision.
CND Decisions.