25 to 29 July 2022 - Hosted by the national counter-terrorism agency (BNPT) and with thanks to the strong partnership with the European Union, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) organized a five-day capacity development event for national counterparts in Bogor, Indonesia from 25 to 29 July 2022 under the STRIVE Juvenile Project, aimed towards preventing and responding to violence against Children committed by terrorist and violent extremist groups.
During the opening of the event, the high-level representative of Indonesia’s national counter terrorism agency, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme (BNPT), Mr Zaim A. Nasution, stressed that “the biggest challenges in handling children associated with extremism and terrorism groups is the implementation of reintegration”, underlining the Government’s need to strengthen the capacity of relevant stakeholders in designing effective individual reintegration plans and programmes through a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.
Mr Timothy Wilson, Programme Coordinator (Terrorism Prevention), UNODC Programme Office Indonesia, stressed that, “STRIVE Juvenile relies on national ownership throughout its design and implementation” highlighting the prominent role that sustainable capacity development plays in the implementation of the STRIVE Juvenile project, together with the complementary components of research, child and community participation and tailored legal advisory services.
Contributing to the implementation of the National Plan to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism and Terrorism (RAN-PE), adopted in 2021 by the Government of Indonesia, the capacity development activity brought together 25 professionals from across the country and different sectors, including from the justice and social protection services sectors, to discuss their challenges and experience in providing services related to the treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration of children deprived of their liberty in the context of counter-terrorism.
The first day of the event was treated as a “Training of Trainers”, when a selected number of participants who were chosen to serve as future trainers in order to enhance the sustainability of the Project were trained in adult learning methodology. These individuals were then joined by their colleagues for a four-day substantive training on key issues relating to the treatment of children deprived of liberty in the context of counter-terrorism, including on child-sensitive communication, child-sensitive assessment processes, conditions and treatment of children deprived of liberty as well as the effective rehabilitation and reintegration of these children in the counter-terrorism context.
Representing the EU Delegation to Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Delegation to ASEAN, Mr Marc Vierstraete-Verlinde concluded the successful activity by praising Indonesia’s leading role in the ASEAN region and beyond in “advocating for supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of children associated with terrorist and violent extremist groups”.
More Information:
UNODC Roadmap English, Bahasa ; Bali Call for Action
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NewsroomDuring the Special Event, the new project STRIVE Juvenile has been presented. STRIVE Juvenile: Preventing and Responding to Violence against Children by Terrorist and Violent Extremist Groups is a three-year (2021-2024), EUR 5.5 million initiative by the European Union and UNODC. The project aims to partner with the selected countries, the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Iraq and the Federal Republic of Nigeria, for the development and implementation of comprehensive national responses to prevent and counter violent extremism affecting children, in full respect of human rights, gender equality and international law... Read more
STRIVE Juvenile Factsheet EN FR BA ; E-Press Kit
UNODC Global Programme to END VAC ; Factsheet EN FR
UN Strategies & Measures on the Elimination of VAC