The 2024 Constructive Dialogues for the Review Mechanism of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and the Protocols thereto will take place in a hybrid format (in Vienna and online on the Interprefy conference platform) following the conclusion of the Working Groups on (i) Firearms, (ii) Technical Assistance, (iii) International Cooperation, (iv) Trafficking in Persons, and (v) Smuggling of Migrants.
The Constructive Dialogues are dialogues between non-governmental stakeholders and State Parties on the five topics of the Working Groups to the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC).
Constructive Dialogues is preceded by a Multistakeholder Preparation Day on the day before the Constructive Dialogue and the Constructive Dialogue itself. The Multistakeholder Preparation Day introduces the modalities of the Constructive Dialogue and the outcomes of the previous Constructive Dialogue. Further, it offers space for discussion amongst non-governmental stakeholders.
The Constructive Dialogue usually consists of (i) a briefing on the developments and outcomes of the review process, (ii) an update on the meeting of the relevant working group, (iii) a panel discussion following the topics of the working group, and (iv) the collection of inputs and suggestions from participants on the role of civil society on the implementation of UNTOC and its protocol. The results will be published through a summary that will be published and shared with member states during the next working group.
The Procedures and rules for the functioning of the Mechanism for the Review of the Implementation of UNTOC and the Protocols thereto, which the Conference of the Parties to UNTOC adopted through Resolution 9/1, set out in paragraph 53 that Constructive Dialogues with relevant stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations, should be convened as a regular practice following the conclusion of the sessions of the working groups and the adoption of the reports. Other relevant stakeholders, including representatives of the private sector and academia, may also apply to participate.
Interested representatives of non-governmental stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations (with and without consultative status with the Economic and Social Council), academia and the private sector may apply.
Application Deadlines
Note1: NGOs with consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) are also required to apply.
Objectives of the Constructive Dialogue
Further Information
The Constructive Dialogues are held in English language and in a hybrid format at the Vienna International Centre and online through Interprefy platform. In-person participation will be limited in accordance with COVID-19 measures in place at the time of the meetings and all participants will be required to comply with those measures.
In view of the size of the available meeting room and other requirements that might be in place, the number of in-person participants per organization will be limited to one person plus one alternate. For this reason, in case an organization plans to nominate more than two participants, it should be specified who would join in-person, when submitting the application form. Other participants from the organization should join online. Participants wishing to attend in-person shall bear all related costs.
Important information about Constructive Dialogues
Travel support for grassroots and victim-led /focused organizations
Please note that UNODC has limited resources to support in-person participation of grassroots organizations and victim-led/focused organizations which will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Interest in travel support can be indicated after the Official Invitations have been shared with the accepted organizations.
For more information contact