Financial investigations are constantly reported as a challenging area for most of the participating countries in the regional platforms. Many countries have reported facing challenges in detecting, investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption. Financial evidence is often necessary to prove cases in many corruption investigations as well as in other cases where parallel financial investigations become necessary to detect and prove the linked corruption offence. As a consequence, many corruption offences remain undetected and evade prosecution because of a lack of adequate financial investigation capacities.
Among the factors identified as contributing to these gaps are the incomplete nature of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in many law enforcement agencies, the comparatively small number of investigators with basic financial investigation skills and the lack of skill to identify cases where ‘parallel financial investigations’ should be conducted when other crimes are being investigated and a likelihood exists that corruption or other economic crimes may be present.
In this regard, UNODC is providing support to participating countries in the regional platforms, for anti-corruption agencies to develop and use standard operating procedures to conduct investigations as well as by providing training and mentorship to investigators in law enforcement agencies. Work is also undertaken to strengthen interagency cooperation, including by the establishment of interagency coordination taskforces.
Whistleblower protection is a regional priority in all the four regional platforms created under the fast-tracking UNCAC implementation project … more
Public procurement is repeatedly reported as the largest single area of corruption in countries participating the regional platforms. … more
The ability to facilitate efficient and effective mutual legal assistance and extradition is vital to combatting corruption committed
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Promoting integrity, transparency and accountability in the public sector is an important aspect of UNCAC Chapter II that is related to the prevention of corruption. … more
Financial investigations are constantly reported as a challenging area for most of the participating countries in the regional platforms. … more
Corruption thrives in times of crisis. UNODC supports Member States to prevent and combat corruption during COVID-19 pandemic.
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