Public procurement is repeatedly reported as the largest single area of corruption in countries participating the regional platforms. Most of the regional platforms have identified public procurement as one of the priorities for the project.
Countries are asked to strengthen their capacity to prevent conflicts of interest in public procurement processes as well as to investigate and prosecute corruption cases related to procurement.
A prerequisite for effective capacity building in investigations and prosecution is to identify the key current corruption risks in the public procurement systems and develop strategies to mitigate these risks. This, of course, is also a prerequisite in having strong procurement legislation in line with the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).
The key recommendations that have been identified are: establishing interagency fora to ensure a focus on addressing procurement corruption and the combination of complementary skills from different agencies; producing and disseminating guidance on identifying procurement corruption (red flags) and capacity-building in assessing and mitigating corruption risks.
Increased importance of anti-corruption in public procurement in time of COVID19:
UNODC has therefore offered support to all countries involved in the regional platforms, to strengthen their procurement systems, increase transparency and accountability as well as to establish the appropriate framework for emergency procurement processes.
Whistleblower protection is a regional priority in all the four regional platforms created under the fast-tracking UNCAC implementation project … more
Public procurement is repeatedly reported as the largest single area of corruption in countries participating the regional platforms. … more
The ability to facilitate efficient and effective mutual legal assistance and extradition is vital to combatting corruption committed
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Promoting integrity, transparency and accountability in the public sector is an important aspect of UNCAC Chapter II that is related to the prevention of corruption. … more
Financial investigations are constantly reported as a challenging area for most of the participating countries in the regional platforms. … more
Corruption thrives in times of crisis. UNODC supports Member States to prevent and combat corruption during COVID-19 pandemic.
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