This page contains only evaluation reports published after 2014 |
Dismantling the Criminal Networks Operating in North Africa and Involved in Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking (XAMAB3) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2023 |
Final |
SDG 5,8,16 |
Strengthening the Judicial Capacities of ECCAS Member States to Combat Wildlife Crime and Trafficking in Natural Resources (Central Africa segment) (GPCAE-CA/GLOZ31) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2023 |
Final |
SDG 15,16 |
Global Firearms Programme: Countering illicit arms trafficking and its links to transnational organized crime and terrorism (GLOX34) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2021 |
Mid-term |
SDG 16 |
Global Programme on the Implementation of the Doha Declaration: Towards the promotion of a culture of lawfulness (GLOZ82) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager); Web story -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Final |
SDG 4,5,16,17 |
Global Maritime Crime Programme (GMCP) (GLOX99, GLOZ06, GLOW63, GLOZ80, GLOZ81, XEAX94) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Mid-term |
SDG 4,5,8,19,14,16,17 |
Regional Programme for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including the Country Programmes Myanmar and Indonesia Evaluation Report; Annex V Country Programme Myanmar; Annex VI Country Programme Indonesia; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Final |
SDG 3,5,9,10,11,16,17 |
Global Action against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants (GLO.ACT) (GLOZ67) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2019 |
Final |
SDG 5,8,10,16 |
Western Balkans Counter-Serious Crime Initiative (WBCSCi) in the context of the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) mechanism including the European Union action: "Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) Multi-Country Action Programme 2017 - Support to the Western Balkan Integrative Internal Security Governance" Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2019 |
Formative |
n/a |
Law Enforcement and Border Control in Central Asia (Sub-programme XAC/Z60 and projects TAJ/E24, TAJ/H03, RER/H22, and XAC/K22) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2018 |
Thematic Cluster |
SDG 3,5,11,15, 16 |
Global Programme on Paris Pact Initiative Phase IV - A Partnership to Combat Illicit Traffic in Opiates Originating in Afghanistan (GLO/Y09) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2018 |
Mid-term |
SDG 3, 16 |
Global Programme Against Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML) (GLOU40) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) ----------------------------- --------------------------------- |
2017 |
Mid-term |
Global Programme against Trafficking in Persons (GLOT59) and the Global Programme Against Smuggling of Migrants (GLOT92) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2017 |
Mid-term Cluster |
Support to the work of the Conference of the Parties to the UNTOC Convention (GLOT60) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2015 |
Mid-term |
Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) (GLO/S83) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2014 |
Final |
XACCA1: Support To Victim-Centered Investigations And Prosecutions of Human Trafficking in The Kyrgyz Republic | ||||
Evaluation report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) | 2024 | Final | SDGs 5, 10, 16 | |
-------------------------------------------------------------- |
GLOT60, Phase II: Implementing the Organized Crime Convention: from Theory to Practice Evaluation report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2024 |
Final |
SDGs 5, 14, 15, 16, 17 | |
GLOU40-MEKONG: Combatting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in the Mekong Evaluation report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2024 |
Final |
SDGs 4, 5, 8, 16, 17 | |
GLOT59: TRACK4TIP - Transforming Alerts Into Criminal Justice Responses to Combat Trafficking in Persons. Evaluation report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2024 |
Final |
SDG 5, 8, 16, 17 | |
GLOZ67: Global Action to Prevent and Address Trafficking in Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants (GLO.ACT Asia and the Middle East; GLO.ACT Bangladesh) Evaluation Report: Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2023 |
Final |
SDG 5,8,10,16,17 |
RAS-19/0027/GLOG80: Countering illegal hazardous waste trafficking through the Container Control Programme Evaluation Report: Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2023 |
Mid-term |
SDG 5,14,15,16,17 |
GLOX42: Management of the Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2023 |
Mid-term |
SDG 3,4,5,8,16,17 |
XAMW33: Strengthening the Financial Investigation Capacity to Combat Money Laundering Arising from Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2023 |
Final |
SDG 16 |
MEXW55, MEXW64: Trafficking in Persons in Mexico (TIP): Detection and Prevention of TIP within Indigenous Communities in Mexico; National Project to Strengthen Shelter, Refuges and Halfway Houses that Provide Assistance to Victims of TIP in Mexico Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary); Evaluation Brief (2-pager) (English) (Spanish) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2022 |
Final |
SDG 5,8,16 |
MEXZ75, MEXZ92, MEXZ98: Prevention and Combat of Migrants Smuggling in Mexico; Strengthening of Capacities to Prevent, Detect and Combat Migrant Smuggling by Sea in Mexico; and, National Survey on Police Standards of Training and Professionalization in Mexico. Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary); Evaluation Brief (2-pager) (Spanish) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2022 |
Final Cluster |
SDG 16 |
GLOZ31: Law enforcement and demand management of wildlife in Asia project (implemented under the UNODC Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2021 |
Final |
SDG 14,15,16 |
XAMX59: The Arab Initiative to build National Capacities to combat Human Trafficking in the Arab Countries Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Final |
SDG 10,16 |
GLOZ31: Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Mid-term |
SDG 14,15,16 |
XAWZ28: Support to the ECOWAS Regional Action Plan on illicit drug trafficking, related organized crime and drug abuse in West Africa Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Final |
SDG 3,16 |
Fisheries Crime Initiative "FishNET" - a joint project implemented under the Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime (GLOZ31) and the Container Control Programme (GLOG80) Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Mid-term |
SDG 1, 2, 8, 14,16 |
GLOT60: Support to the work of the Conference of the Parties to the UNTOC Convention Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager); (See also Web Stories and News) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Final |
SDG 5, 16, 17 |
MEXX48: Asistencia técnica a México para la implementación del Protocolo de Palermo contra la trata de personas -------------------------------------------------------------- |
2020 |
Final |
SDG 16 |
XCA/X75: Apoyo al A.B.1 Coordinación Interinstitucional y Regiona para la seguridad fronteriza en Centroamérica Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary); Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2019 |
Final |
SDG 16 |
BHU/Z13: Enhance Government and Civil Society Responses to Counter Trafficking in Persons in Bhutan Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2019 |
Final |
SDG 5, 8, 16 |
XAW/Z28: Support to ECOWAS Regional Action Plan on illicit drug trafficking, organized crime related to it and drug abuse in West Africa Evaluation Report; Evaluation Brief (2-pager) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2018 |
Mid-term |
SDG 1,3,10,16, 17 |
RER/F23: Strengthening drug law enforcement systems for criminal intelligence collection, analysis and exchange --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2018 |
Final |
SDG 16 |
KGZ/K50: Strengthening the Counter Narcotics Service of the Interior Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2017 |
Final |
XAM/Z17: Strengthening criminal justice systems in the Sahel in order to effectively combat drug trafficking, illicit trafficking, organized crime, terrorism and corruption in the region --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2017 |
Final |
XAS/S69: Capacity building for Member States of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in the ratification and the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its two first additional Protocols --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2017 |
Mid-term |
GLO/U40-Mekong region: Activities Conducted in the Mekong Region under the Global Programme Against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2017 |
Final |
MEX/X89: Promotion of cooperation between Mexico and Central America to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants Evaluation Report (in Spanish with English Ex. Summary) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2017 |
Final |
1213V (UNDA) Integrating crime, corruption, drugs and terrorism related issues into the preparation of national plans and processes(relevant to various Sub-Programmes) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2017 |
Final |
XAW/U72: Establishment of real-time operational communication between international airports in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2016 |
Mid-term |
RER/V07 - Special Segment: Improving the Capacity of the National Police of Afghanistan and of Central Asian countries to tackle Drug Trafficking --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2016 |
Mid-term |
TKM/X57: Strengthening Customs service and other law enforcement agencies' capacity in implementing border and trade control, in particular, strategic export/import control regimes under counterterrorism related international instruments --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2016 |
Final |
LAO/X26: Strengthening Criminal Justice Responses to Human Trafficking in Lao PDR --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2016 |
Final |
IND/A02: Country Programme Indonesia-Sub-Programme 1: Strengthening Criminal Justice responses on Forest Crimes to Support REDD+ Implementation in Indonesia --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2016 |
Final |
KGZ/K50: Strengthening the State Service on Drug Control of the Kyrgyz Republic - Phase I --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2016 |
Mid-term |
GLO/U61: UNODC Global eLearning - making the world safer from drugs, crime and terrorism --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2015 |
Mid-term |
XAC/K22: Countering the trafficking of Afghan opiates via the northern route by enhancing the capacity of key border crossings points (BCPs) and through the establishment of Border Liaison Offices (BLOs) --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2015 |
Mid-term |
BRA/X63: Support to the National Secretariat of Justice for improving the implementation of the National Policy to Fight Human Trafficking --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2015 |
Final |
TIL/X78: Strengthening Land Border Control in Timor Leste --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2015 |
Final |
RER/E29: Precursor Control in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and Azerbaijan --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2015 |
Final |
BGD/X79: Technical Assistance provided to the Government of Bangladesh in Strengthening the Responses to Human Trafficking --------------------------------------------------------------- |
2015 |
Final |