Volume C is the most extensive of the Treatnet training materials, it consists of three modules, containing the key concepts of pharmacological treatment and the management of special populations. Module 1 is designed to give a basic understanding of drug dependence and addiction and to introduce the most commonly used drugs, explain the mechanisms of their action and their impact on human brain and health. Module 2 focuses specifically on opioids, providing evidence-based options and protocols for the pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence both with agonists and antagonists. Module 3 familiarises with special considerations and threats for women and young people who misuse drugs, as well as gives an overview of various co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders.
Workshop 1: Drug use, addiction and dependence
Workshop 2: Management of Alcohol & benzodiazepine dependence
Workshop 4: Volatile substances, cannabis and new psychoactive substances
Workshop 1: Opioids: Definition, effects and treatment implications
Workshop 2: Opioid dependence treatment with Methadone
Workshop 3: Opioid dependence treatment with Buprenorphine
Workshop 4: Opioid antagonist treatment
Workshop 1: Co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders
Workshop 2: Women: substance use disorders and treatment issues
Basics of Addiction, Screening, Assessment, Treatment Planning & Care Coordination