Stories from UNODC
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Stories on Crop Monitoring
March 2023
- 17/03/2023 - Seven new substances/chemicals placed under international control; four resolutions passed at 66th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
January 2023
- 26/01/2023 - Opium poppy cultivation estimates increase in Myanmar in 2022 against backdrop of more sophisticated production: UNODC report
September 2021
- 24/09/2021 - Sharing good practices on addressing the COVID-19 impact on drug situation during the regional meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
- 07/09/2021 - UNODC launches publication series 'Cocaine Insights'
- 01/09/2021 - With the support of the European Union, UNODC presented the Coca Crop Monitoring Survey Report 2020
February 2020
- 20/02/2020 - UNODC partners with governments to disrupt precursor chemical trafficking in Asia Pacific region
- 05/02/2020 - Myanmar opium cultivation drops again as the regional drug economy continues to evolve
August 2019
- 22/08/2019 - Latest UNODC Monitoring Report shows decline of coca cultivation in Bolivia
June 2019
- 06/06/2019 - Journalists shining spotlight on drug-related deaths in Mexico receive UNODC-supported prize
- 04/06/2019 - Lessons from UNODC’s work in Colombia can be applied to the region and beyond
December 2018
- 21/12/2018 - Coca cultivation area in Peru increased by 14 per cent during 2017
November 2018
- 29/11/2018 - Mexico and UNODC present second opium poppy cultivation survey
May 2018
- 21/05/2018 - Last year’s record opium production in Afghanistan threatens sustainable development, latest survey reveals
July 2017
- 19/07/2017 - UNODC Monitoring Survey reports 14 per cent increase of coca bush cultivation in Bolivia during 2016
- 14/07/2017 - New UNODC report: Coca crops in Colombia increase over 50 per cent in one year
July 2016
- 13/07/2016 - New report: Peru coca crop continues to decline in 2015
- 08/07/2016 - Coca crops in Colombia increase almost 40 per cent over one year: new UNODC report
- 06/07/2016 - UNODC Monitoring Survey reports stabilisation of coca bush cultivation in Bolivia during 2015
October 2015
- 14/10/2015 - After six years on the rise, Afghan opium crop cultivation declines: new UNODC survey
August 2015
- 18/08/2015 - 2014 Bolivia Survey reports decline in coca cultivation for fourth year in a row
July 2015
- 15/07/2015 - Latest UNODC survey shows substantial coca crop decline in Peru
- 02/07/2015 - Colombia Survey 2014: UNODC study shows significant increase in coca leaf production in high density areas
December 2014
- 19/12/2014 - Before UN Security Council, UNODC Chief offers full support for Afghan drug control efforts
November 2014
- 12/11/2014 - Afghan opium crop cultivation rises seven per cent in 2014; while opium production could climb by as much as 17 per cent
June 2014
- 23/06/2014 - Coca bush cultivation drops for third straight year in Bolivia, according to 2013 UNODC survey
- 11/06/2014 - Marked decline in coca plant cultivation in Peru, according to 2013 UNODC survey
January 2014
- 17/01/2014 - “More must be done to confront drug trade, rise in domestic addiction,” says UNODC Chief in meeting with Afghan Counter-Narcotics Minister
November 2013
- 13/11/2013 - Afghanistan opium crop cultivation rises a record 36 per cent, production up 49 per cent
January 2013
- 16/01/2013 - Sustainable tourism boosts local economies in Colombia
September 2012
- 27/09/2012 - Coca bush cultivation increases in Peru - coca monitoring survey for 2011
- 17/09/2012 - Coca crop cultivation "falls significantly" in Bolivia, according to 2011 coca monitoring survey
July 2012
- 25/07/2012 - 2011 Colombia coca crop survey shows stable overall situation
December 2011
- 15/12/2011 - Opium cultivation and production in South-East Asia give cause for concern
September 2011
- 27/09/2011 - Colombia: from illicit drugs to sustainable livelihoods
- 14/09/2011 - Coca bush cultivation in Bolivia remains stable
May 2011
- 12/05/2011 - The crucial role of coca crop monitoring in Bolivia
- 08/05/2011 - UNODC mourns death of four United Nations staff and two pilots in Bolivia
April 2011
- 18/04/2011 - Despite high prices of opium, a slight decrease in poppy cultivation in 2011 is expected
February 2011
- 23/02/2011 - UNODC launches website survey
- 01/02/2011 - UNODC predicts slight decrease in opium poppy cultivation in 2011
December 2010
- 15/12/2010 - Afghan crop surveyors put their lives on the line
- 13/12/2010 - Jump in South-East Asian opium poppy cultivation
April 2010
- 08/04/2010 - UNODC 2010 Annual Report released
February 2010
- 10/02/2010 - UNODC predicts stable opium crop in Afghanistan
December 2009
- 29/12/2009 - Looking back and forging ahead: 10 ways UNODC makes a difference
September 2009
- 02/09/2009 - Afghan opium production in significant decline
- 01/09/2009 - Afghan opium figures to be released
June 2009
- 22/06/2009 - How does UNODC estimate opium cultivation and production figures?
- 19/06/2009 - Steep decline in coca cultivation in Colombia, as Peru and Bolivia see increase
August 2008
- 26/08/2008 - Opium cultivation in Afghanistan down by a fifth
May 2008
- 27/05/2008 - Monitoring illicit crop production
February 2008
- 06/02/2008 - UNODC anticipates another large opium crop in Afghanistan in 2008