Full title in original language:
Labor Migration and Trafficking among Vietnamese Migrants in Asia
Education level:
University University (18+ years)Topic / subtopic:
Trafficking in persons / smuggling of migrants Human-rights based approach to trafficking in personsTarget audience:
Teachers / Lecturers,
Type of resource:
Publication / Article
Region of relevance:
restricted access: requiring payment
Individual authors:
Danièle Bélanger
Publication year:
Published by:
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Copyright holder:
© The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Contact name and address:
Contact website:
Key themes:
trafficking, human trafficking, trafficking in persons, vietnam, vietnamese, asia
Short description:
Asia is known as a continent where human trafficking is particularly prevalent. Departing from the bulk of research on trafficking in Asia that focuses on illegal migration and prostitution, this article examines the embeddedness of human trafficking in legal temporary migration flows. This analysis uses survey and interview data to document the experiences of Vietnamese migrants who worked in East Asian countries. It identifies a continuum of trafficking, abuse, exploitation, and forced labor, and examines how exploitation begins at the recruitment stage with the creation of bonded labor. Guest-worker programs in destination countries put migrants in particularly precarious situations, which do, in some cases, qualify as trafficking. The author argues that temporary migration programs may create the conditions that lead to extreme forms of exploitation among many legal migrant workers in the region.