This module is a resource for lecturers
Additional teaching tools
This section includes links to relevant teaching aides such as PowerPoint slides and video material, that could help the lecturer teach the issues covered by the Module. Lecturers can adapt the slides and other resources to their needs.
PowerPoint presentation
Video material
The SUPRALAT project was a project funded by the European Commission, designed to develop a training programme for defence lawyers who advise clients who have been arrested and detained by the police. A video explaining the project can be found here. All of the training materials developed by the SUPRALAT project may be accessed here.
SUPRALAT video presentation on the role of the defence lawyer and SUPRALAT video role-play of a lawyer/client consultation are referred to under " Additional Optional Group exercises" of this Module.
The Incarceration Nations Network has produced a six-minute video which also examines the importance of legal aid in the context of pre-trial detention. Nightmare: A film about the Criminalization of Poverty Across the Globe.
Guidelines to develop a stand-alone course
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